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How to Plan Your Vacation Days

Taking time off as a nurse is something that is crucial to your sanity and stress levels. However, just because you want time off doesn’t mean you are guaranteed time off at your convenience. The longer you work, the harder it may seem for you to put in a vacation request. Suddenly, every day or week you choose to designate as your break ends up being inconvenient in one way or another. It’s important to try and find that balance, because at the end of the day, you are entitled to your days off.

It might take a while for you to get your vacation, but it is entirely worth it when you are finally sitting back and relaxing.

What Time is the Right Time?

For your employer, there is never really a good time for someone to take time off of work. However, you can make it work by taking a few weeks at a time, or requesting your time in spurts. As long as you give your boss enough notice, he or she will have enough time to cover any shifts you were scheduled to work.

How Much Notice Should You Give?

Anywhere from four weeks to a few months in advance is when you should put in your request. The earlier you submit it, the more likely you are going to be able to get that time off. Moreover, it is beneficial to your employer and your other colleagues if you give everyone at least two weeks notice. If you are still somewhat uncertain, talk to your higher ups and see what their preferences are.

Related: Why it’s Okay to Take Vacation

Holiday Vacation

Trying to take time off during the holidays can be next to impossible. Since everybody wants time off to see their families and enjoy the season, it can be hard even to get your most basic request off, as nurses are still expected to work through the holidays all year round. Instead of trying to take time off, try to get either the eve or actual day off, but not both. It is highly unlikely that you are going to be able to get both off. Alternatively, you can wait until the holidays are over, and take the time off when things are not so busy.

How Long Can You Take Your Vacation?

If it is within reason, you may take off for as long as you want. Either way it is important to utilize your time off to prevent burnouts and fatigue. Taking a vacation is important, even if you are just staying home, spending time with your family, or sleeping. 

Related:  Today's Nurse

Are You Ready to Take Off?

Overall, if you are trying to take time off, you should consider your timing and how long you are going to be gone for. Letting your employer know ahead of time will allow you to have better chances at your request being approved. Taking time off during the holidays will not be easy, so reconsider if you can.

Don’t be afraid to make the request, as you deserve a few days off once in awhile. Although nurses are known for working all year round, if they didn’t take the time off they needed to refresh, they wouldn’t be able to do their jobs effectively.

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