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Showing posts with the label Malnourished Patients

Malnourished Patients

There are some misconceptions about being malnourished, and what it actually means. Most people think that malnourished people only reside in third world countries. This is absolutely not correct. There are many malnourished people right here in the U.S.  Patients at Risk -       Homeless people are the number one group of admitted patients that are malnourished. This is understandable, due to the limitations with proper nutrition. If admitted into the hospital, workers can attempt to introduce nutrition back into the diet of a homeless person.There is little that can be done where there is no money, and the person lives on the street, or in their car. Suggesting a local soup kitchen or shelter may be beneficial, and depending on the seriousness of the patient, there may be group homes available to individuals unable to care for themselves.  -       Models, actresses, and those in the fashion industry are oft...