Social workers do a variety of jobs. Many people assume social workers investigate child abuse, which is certainly true, but there are many more roles they take on. Social Worker & Suspected Abuse Most states now have a law in place that when an adult is admitted to the emergency room, the attending nurse will ask the patient if they feel they are in danger, if they have been hurt, or feel that they are going to be hurt. If the patient answers yes to any of the questions, then social services are called in. It is a very big responsibility, as the social worker must determine the needs of the patient. If it is suspected that they are in danger, in most cases they will be admitted until proper and safe placement plans can be made. Some areas have emergency shelters, and they could be sent there after treatment. The main thing is, they are kept from harm, or danger, and can feel safe. Related: Reasons Why You Should be Proud to be a Nurse Social Worker & Rehabilit
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