Stating the obvious, you can certainly use a nursing degree to obtain a job at a hospital. You may also seek out, and probably find a position within, a private practice, or medical clinic. Those positions are of course the common areas that nurse look to upon graduating nursing school. There are however a number of areas that you may not think of, perhaps a little less common, yet viable places for a nurse to be employed. Private Companies Some large companies now employ nurses on a full time basis. The job essentially involves relatively short visits with company employees that may be sick or have an injury. As the on duty nurse, you would examine and evaluate the patient. You would then offer recommendations based on their condition, making suggestions of over the counter medications and products, or a visit to their primary care doctor. A position such as this can be very different than what most nurses do, as you are generally not surr...
The International Nurses Association was founded on the idea that professional achievement is deserving of recognition, exposure and reward. As a meeting place for the top minds in nursing, INA offers unlimited opportunities to further your success and embrace your role as a vital member of the medical community.