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Showing posts with the label emergency nurses practice

Assisting in an Emergency in Public

It's a dilemma that many healthcare professionals face at some point in their career.   You are out in public, and a citizen has a medical emergency.   So what is the best way to handle it?   The first rule to remember is, you are not in a hospital.   You don't have proper equipment, so you will only want to provide measures that will care for the patient until emergency crews arrive.   Situations That Require Intervention Say you are at an art exhibit and a gentleman of about 70 years of age is holding his chest in pain, and then collapses to the floor.   Of course you want to help, and you should.   Even if someone else intervenes, offer help as well, since CPR is much better with the assistance of two.   Before providing care, yell out for someone to call 911 that should be first on the list. Depending on the patient's condition, administer CPR as needed until the patient has a heartbeat and is responsive or until emergency crews arr...

Differences in Working Emergency Department & Regular Floor

The hospital emergency room is the 24-hour body repair shop.   It never shuts down, and you never know exactly what you will see, or how busy you may be.   The emergency room is the specialty in nursing that encompasses care for patients of all ages, and all conditions.   From delivering babies and providing resuscitation to trauma patients, the pace of working in the emergency room can often change minute to minute.   Is Working in the Emergency Department Right for You? If you enjoy complexity, there is no question, emergency nursing has it.   Some determining factors to decide if the emergency room is the right choice for you: Ability to shift gears and accelerate your pace as needed   Good observation, assessment, and prioritization skills   Multi-tasking ability   Good interpersonal and customer service skills   Stamina   Good personal coping skills   Assertive patient advocate   Ability to maintain calm ...