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Showing posts with the label Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

What is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

To gain an understanding of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, you need to understand Munchausen Syndrome itself.   This is a condition in which a person inflicts an illness, injury, either real or made up on themselves, mainly for attention.   Munchausen by Proxy is when a parent causes injury, illness, or sickness to their child, according to experts, to gain attention.   Understanding Munchausen by Proxy The mind is a very complex creature, that is a fact, and when it comes to this condition it is no exception.   Munchausen can be a serious condition, and if not recognized, a child's life could be in danger.   This almost always affects mothers, very seldom is this condition in fathers.   The strange thing is, the moms love their children, and however the need for attention outweighs the concern for their child.   This condition usually affects intelligent people; it takes some thought and preparation to orchestrate a plan of action to fool ...