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Showing posts with the label Solution to Long Hours

How Many Hours are too many?

Most nurses have worked 12 hour shifts, and occasionally 16 hour shifts, so where should the line be drawn? How many is too many?     12 Hour Shifts Many nurses work 12 hour shifts, and most have no problem in doing so.   The shifts are usually 3 days per week, allowing for 4 complete off days.   For most nurses, that works out great, however not everyone is the same.   Some people find that 12 hours is too many continuous hours, and they prefer a shift schedule of 8.   The important factor is, each individual should have a comfort level in the hours they work. Related: Where do Nurses Work?   Statistics On Working Hours Studies have been conducted on the nursing profession in regards to hours worked, and the results were not what was anticipated.   Prior to 2010, the American Medical Association recommended Nurses should work 8 hour shifts, and only in emergencies should they work 12 hours.   Of course their advice was n...