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Showing posts with the label Nurturing

Nursing Styles and Flexibility

Nurses may seem like superheroes at times, but they are still people, very hard-working people, but still people.   They have personalities, unique to themselves, just as everyone does.   With every nurse is a different personality, and this what creates a different style of nursing for each nurse. Direct & To the Point The direct and to-the-point nurse cares for their patients just as every other nurse. They just don't exactly display the emotions as much.   They tend to be direct, and say what they mean, without adding a lot of idle talk or humor to the conversation at hand.   Some patients prefer someone that is very matter-of-fact, in their mannerism, and would just as soon skip the friendly talk and get right to the point.   The pros of the more direct nurse are that they tend to be very forthcoming with information, if they know something about your condition, then you will know something as well,   the nurse delivers information you are ...