Have you ever thought that you might like to share your experience or expertise? If so, inquire with your human resource department about being a mentor. If they don’t offer programs for mentoring, inquire at a local school for nurses. You can offer real life experiences, and answer questions for someone about to enter the profession. Mentoring 101 The number one rule in mentoring is to be realistic. Don’t make the job sound like a piece of cake; you will only be setting them up. There are good days and bad, so be honest and say that. Things are not always easy, and mistakes will happen. Always advise that anyone making a mistake should own up to it. Nurses are not perfect, and accidents happen, we are just human. Talk about the good things in a nursing profession. Nurses are in general more dedicated to their coworkers than any other profession. This is great because when you need help, advice, or guidance, a coworker will be right there to assist you. There is truly a uniq
The International Nurses Association was founded on the idea that professional achievement is deserving of recognition, exposure and reward. As a meeting place for the top minds in nursing, INA offers unlimited opportunities to further your success and embrace your role as a vital member of the medical community.