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Caffeine-Free Tips to Stay Awake

Do you often find yourself at the coffee machine at work? Is drinking five or more cups of coffee becoming routine? Most people find it difficult to stay awake when they are bored, whether it is sleep deprivation or exhaustion. But did you know there are other ways to feel awake and stay energetic without reaching out for that caffeine? Getting a good night sleep is one of the best solutions, however working as a nurse entails a different set of rules.

Go outside and walk
One of the best ways to stay away is to get moving. Walking in the fresh air and enjoying some sunlight will help your brain wake up. Changing the environment alerts the brain and it is more likely to keep you awake. If for some reason you are not able to go out, try moving near a window for fresh air. Moving out of your current surroundings will also get you stay away from the computer screen, thus avoiding mental fatigue. 

Listen to your favorite music
According to researchers, it has been found that people who listen to music while at work are able to concentrate more easily on their work. Pumping up the volume will make you feel more awake, and if you are working in close proximity to others, make sure to use headphones. You need to carefully choose your songs as slow music can make you sleepier. So choose an upbeat and peppy number that will keep you energized.

Stay in cool environment
Turning down the temperature helps a person stay awake. Working in a hot and stuffy environment makes a person feel sleepy and increases the urge to take a nap. However, a cool room can make a person feel and stay awake. So, open all the windows and allow fresh air to come in. If it is hot outside, turn on the fan or an air conditioner to keep the room cool. 

Breakfast is healthy
Do you skip breakfast? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and a healthy breakfast will help you stay energetic. Choose a healthy breakfast such as eggs, fruit salad, yogurt, and oatmeal. Avoiding sugar laden foods is important. If you find yourself tired after some work, might indicate that either you need to look for a healthy breakfast option, or you need to take a break and eat healthy snacks. 

Boost your metabolism
If you are feeling low on energy, tired and want to take a nap, try to boost your metabolism. You can indulge in different exercises like yoga asana that can easily be done in the workplace. If you have been sitting for a long time, stand up and do some stretching exercises. Go for a brisk walk outside during your lunch break or walk some flights of stairs. You can even indulge in exercises while at home, for instance chair- sits, push-ups, sit-ups and lunges. 

Laughing is the best medicine
If you are feeling exhausted and want to reach out for a cup of coffee, why not try cracking some jokes? For a variety of reasons, laughter is believed to be the best medicine. You can stimulate yourself by engaging in a funny conversation or laughing out loud. Talking fast and laughing also helps a person stay more energetic. 

If you indulge in these activities, you can easily stay awake without the help of caffeine. If you are still feeling tired and exhausted, you may be experiencing burnout. If it's possible, try taking a vacation to get rejuvenate.

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