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How to Handle Work Conflicts

Conflicts are a part of life.  Chances of conflict are much higher at a place where people gather, albeit at home or work.  Reasoning for conflict is situational, with each person having unique opinions which often cause misunderstanding.  Different values, opinions, and priorities are the main cause of conflict.  The other cause appears when people want to change the world and not themselves.

Nursing is a sensitive profession where conflicts occur not just with colleagues, but patients too.  It is said that 25 to 40 percent of nursing managers spend their time dealing with conflicts.  Priority is then given to employees who know how to deal with conflicts opposed to causing a manager a headache.  Learning how to deal with disputes raises the chances of promotion in this profession.

Being Indulgent

This tactic is used to maintain the relationship at any cost.  It may be used in case you’ve realized you're wrong when the problem is more important to others, and when you want to demonstrate rationality.  On the contrary, if you rely on this style too often, you may be considered weak or fearful.


Compromising on an issue can be useful in finding a temporary solution to a complex issue, or to help save time.  It’s best for issues that are mild to severe, and could be beneficial in case both parties have equal power in the company’s hierarchy

Overusing this style may cause negative consequences.  People start considering such a person to have no firm values, which can lower your reputation.


This is a much better solution in many respects.  The main purpose is to find a mutual solution.  Collaborating on an issue contains a high amount of assertiveness and cooperation, as both parties try to merge perceptions and work through a conflict.  This is considered the most effective tactic of managing conflicts.


Avoiding a conflict is not normally advised.  This taxtic can be used in different situations, such as to take time to allow people to cool down, or gather more information.  Experts advise the use of this criteria only when the issue is not very important.


Considered a negative way of managing a conflict, this situation involves winning at any cost, whether you are right or wrong.  Having a high rank may benefit you in this regard but it will not drive long-term benefits.  A manager, who uses this technique more often, will definitely end up with a team of nurses who are indecisive, and prone to withhold feedback.

Deal with the conflict

Avoiding the conflict is most preferred.  Many nurses often quit their jobs due to conflicts, instead of trying to find a proper solution.  It may lead you to feel guilty, stress and anger.  Deal with a conflict imposes better effects on health and emotions.  It will help you become a better team leader, and in turn a nicer person.  You’ll be encouraged by colleagues and people who will give you more respect.

Talk to the person directly

This may be harmful in a few situations, but is considered the best way of solving a conflict.  It is more effective than other solutions because it lets you exchange information directly.  The problem can easily be resolved by shaking hands, smiling, and hand gestures and body language.  You can also observe the reaction of the other party this way.

Apologize if necessary

Try to recall the situation and person guilty of causing the conflict. If the fault is your own, there is no harm in apologizing.

Always keep these tactics in your mind in order to resolve an issue.  Your profession requires politeness.  So always try and be polite with colleagues and patients.  Politeness will help prevent future conflicts.

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