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Showing posts with the label Stress Management for Nurses

5 Ways to Energize Yourself Without the Use of Energy Drinks

When your energy level significantly decreases, the first thing you probably reach for is a cup of coffee or an energy drink. In this day and age where everyone is constantly stressed over their job, busy schedule, or juggling dozens of other obligations, sometimes it is pretty hard to find that extra boost we need. In those cases, we are reaching for anything that will give us energy, and often rely on energy drinks way too much. But what if that quick fix wouldn’t have to be coffee or an energy drink? Would it be healthier? Definitely! There are plenty of ways to get your energy boost without using energy drinks and here are only a couple of them. 1.       Start your day with a healthy breakfast and a homemade smoothie    Skipping breakfast negatively influences your dose of energy throughout the day. So, the best way to stay energized later in the day is to treat yourself to a healthy breakfast! This includes small meals packed with protein, whole grains, fruits, an