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Showing posts with the label healthcare

Insect Bites - International Nurses Association

Summer is terrific, everyone wants to get out and have fun, but then they get bugged by--you guessed it--bugs. It’s bad enough that insects can be a pest, but there are some that will bite, and some of those can cause tremendous harm. -           Mosquito bites are for the most part annoying. The itching can wake us at night, and it seems no matter what you put on the bite itself, the itching continues. A mosquito bite is a reddish bump on the skin, which may sometimes be red around the area from scratching. Most of the time the bites are harmless, however it is possible to contract West Nile Virus from a mosquito bite.  That is a condition that mimics a severe case of the flu; however in patients with compromised immune systems it could be fatal.  -           Tick bites are common for people that camp or hike regularly in the woods.The sooner a tick can be removed, the less the chance of complications.Lyme disease comes from certain tick bites, and can cause a number of probl

Nurses Writing Blogs

Blogs can be great if they are done correctly. Nurses' blogs could be very informative to new nurses, or someone considering nursing as a career. A blog can be a great source of information, mainly because it is not an advertisement; it is coming from a person that is most likely sharing their honest opinion.  A typical Nurses Blog Hi all, today I worked 7 am to 7 pm, but I'm off tomorrow, yippee!  My favorite patient today was an elderly lady, 84 years young. She was being observed for chest pains, and I was amazed at how alert and together she was. I hope I'm that way at her age. She told me the funniest thing; when she was younger she worked in Vegas as a show girl. At lunch she was served chicken, rice, etc., most things elderly people appreciate. I happened to see a pizza delivery guy enter her room. She ordered herself a pizza for lunch.  I guess at 84 you let them have what they want.  The most difficult patient of the day was a man that informed me up front

More about Nursing Support Groups

Who else knows what a nurse though in a shift? There is only one answer: Another nurse. Depending on what type of environment you work in, you are likely to experience sadness, stress, demands, pressure, an array of sickness, and that could all be within your first hour of work!  Its pretty safe to say that you would have to be part robot not to be affected by all you see and do. You cannot erase a work shift, but one thing you can do is seek support within a nursing support group.  Expectations at a Support Group Everyone needs a person to vent to, and to just share thoughts, concerns, etc.  Nurses may be limited on who they can talk with because some people may not want to hear anything to do with a hospital, not everyone appreciates descriptive medical issues. However, in a support group specifically for nurses, you can open up and share without concern. Of course,HIPAA rules apply, so no names of course. A support group for nurses is designed to help eliminate some of the stre

Advances in Nursing

Over the years, medical advances have come to bring huge strides in treating patients with better care and less pain. In the 1980s, a gallbladder surgery was a major surgery, but today it’s laparoscopic and the patient is out of the hospital in a day. These advances have been beneficial to doctors, nurses, and most of all patients. Medical advances continue on a day to day basis, and it's hard to imagine what the future may hold. Much has changed in Nursing as well. No longer are nurses expected to wear dresses, white hats, and white shoes, and nurses are recognized now more than ever before for the hard work and dedication they offer. Through the Years 1960 ·          Nurses were expected to stand when a physician entered the room ·          Most nurses still wore white dresses, and starched nurse caps ·          It was recommended a Bachelor of Science in Nursing as the minimum education requirement for entry into the profession of nursing ·          Male students we