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Is it Possible to Balance two Careers as a Nurse?

The real consideration is exactly what two careers you plan to balance--is it a parent and a nurse?  Or is it another outside-the-home career while continuing to work as a nurse? 

Working a Second Job in Addition to Nursing

At some point you may want to try working in a different profession and see if you are suited for it.  You may want to also continue nursing, at least until you make a decision what career path you are suited for.  So, there are some considerations to be made before you take the next step, the main one being can you balance your time, do both jobs and still have a normal personal life. 

The Negatives of a Nurse Working Two Careers

Your time, or lack thereof is very limited.  You may find it slightly less stressful if you can arrange working schedules so that one is on a part time basis, and try to allow yourself one off day a week that you can keep that day for yourself.  When you go to work in your nursing position, it is imperative that you are alert and pay attention to detail 100%.  Of course, your second job is bound to demand the same of you, so it can be very demanding, and create for a tremendous amount of stress.   If you burn out, you could risk losing one, or both jobs, and potentially a career. You may need to assess your position(s) and decide at some point which position is the better option for you.  It's not impossible to have two careers when one of them is as a nurse, however it will be difficult.  You will need to arrange schedules so that one job’s schedule does not interfere with the other.  Each person handles work and stressful situations differently, so it's impossible to say it cannot be done, however having two careers, with one being a nurse, will be a challenge, it really just depends if you are up to it.  

Managing Two Careers

Schedule your time wisely when working two jobs, or you may find that other areas suffer. You may not have time to keep up with the housework or to cook at home, and so it is important to create a schedule that allows you to do these things efficiently and only as necessary. It can be easier to do this if you can set up a set schedule for your second job. This allows you to schedule errands and chores on specific days and gives you time to plan to do things with your friends.

Take Care of Yourself

Do not take on too many extra hours. You may start with two nights a week and then move up if you think that you can handle it. You do not want to work yourself to death. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep on a regular basis. It is also important to have down time to relax each day. This will help you to be able to continue working at your second job until you reach your goal.
You need to take care of yourself physically, especially if you know you are going to be doing this for more than three months. Be sure that you are eating well and exercising on a regular basis. If you do not balance your time effectively, you will have a difficult time lasting long enough to benefit from the second job.

Apply the Extra Money to Achieving Your Goals

Apply all of the money that you are making directly to the financial goal that you are working towards. This will help you to achieve the goal more quickly, and make the extra time you are spending worth the effort. Monitor your job carefully to make sure that you are not spending extra money to work this job. All jobs are going to cost a bit extra to do (gas, taxes, and other small expenses), but once you subtract the costs of working, you should still be making a significant amount of money. If you are not making any progress on your goals after you take on the job, you will need to evaluate whether or not the job is worth it. If you do take on a retail job, make sure you are not spending your entire paycheck at the store. A job at your favorite retail store might sound like fun, but if you end up spending extra because you see the new items all of the time, then it is not benefiting you. Similarly, if you see a sharp rise in your expenses because you are eating out more, then it might not make sense to keep working.

Protect Your First Job

You should be sure that your first job does not have any conflict of interest issues with your second job. This means that you should inform your manager that you are working a second job at the specific company. Usually, the conflict of interest comes up to protect company secrets and to make sure that you are not scheduled to work both jobs at the same time. You should not have any problems, but it is better to protect your full-time job by taking this precaution. Additionally, do not let the second job encroach on the quality of your work performance of your first job. Since your first job provides you with benefits and usually a larger paycheck, it should always take precedence over your second job.

Many people do successfully have two careers; however, nursing is a career that requires a very attentive person.  You have numerous lives that depend on you, your judgement, and your skills, daily.   Though you may do your best to remain alert and in control at all times, you may find it difficult, it is not going to be easy to work a nursing job and pursue a second career, however it can be done. 

Tips for Adding a Second Career to Your Nursing Position

  • Be sure it's worth it.  Is there a good reason that you have decided to pursue a different career.  If your decision is based on financial reasons, you may find that working overtime as a nurse could be more financially rewarding then adding a second career. 
  • If you have a desire to pursue a different career, consider cutting back on your hours as a nurse.  Is it possible that you can work a part time job in nursing, while trying to adjust to your new career, if so that may be the best option? 
Of course, there is one career that was not discussed, and it is a very important one, being a parent.  Being a parent is certainly a full time career, and not always easy to balance when you work a full time job outside the home.  It may take some planning, cooperation from family, and even a few sacrifices, however it can be done.  Try to always allow for some family time and some “me” time.  Take care of yourself, and make sure you schedule at least one day a week that work demands do not interfere, and you are able to relax and enjoy a good book.  Many hospitals now offer to have nurses work 3 twelve hour shifts per week, so that you have 4 full off days.  This may be a great option to allow for several off days, however 12 hour shifts can be stressful.  Make sure you have family support, everyone will need to share the work, especially on the days that you work.  This arrangement works well if your children are older, however, with young children it may not be the best option.  Whatever you decide to do, whatever career you choose, don’t overlook yourself and your needs.  It's impossible to care for other if you do not take proper care of yourself. 

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