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How to Become the Most Efficient Nursing Student

Once you have decided that is the right fit for your character, you will realize that you have a long journey ahead of you.

Becoming a nurse requires a lot of dedication! It is not just an ordinary job, where you accomplish your to-do list and then leave to go home. Becoming a nurse is more challenging. The challenge starts at that very moment when you decide to enlist yourself in nursing school. 

Every nursing school follows, for the most part, the same rigorous disciplines and principles. From chemistry to biology you are going to run and walk through a tough journey. With all of that considered, once you love serving and helping other people, you will find the right amount of dedication.

The key to becoming an efficient student is to:

  • Be a regular student - be punctual and put in effort daily

  • Follow lectures

  • Apply highlights

  • Take notes

  • Explore previous exams

  • Consider yourself to already be a nurse

  • Socialize - Remember that everyone is in the same position as you

While thinking about these points, you will understand that it will not be as hard as it seems at the very first instance. If you achieve and apply these strategies during your student years, you can be sure that you will be holding that diploma proudly at the end!


1.   Be a regular student


Being regular means succeeding in every field, but being a regular student in a nursing school is the first discipline one should follow. Once you start learning day by day you are already paving the road to success. If you allocate the necessary hours to the learning schedule in a daily routine you will have the possibility to memorize the topics. This way you will avoid possible learning congestion that happens if you leave all topics to be learnt at the end of the season, when the exams are approaching.


2.   Follow lectures


It is comprehensive that, taking into consideration the daily busy routine, it might get sometimes difficult to follow each and every lecture. But, following lectures has the same importance to the regular learning. If you are not able to follow the lectures, it will be harder for you to study on your own. A lector duty is to organize the information provided in the books in such a way it can get easily absorbed. They have previously learnt and do possess special techniques in order to achieve this.


3.   Apply highlights


How many times have you turned back home with the idea of learning that new lecture already taken, but once you opened the book you got stuck in front of the voluminous number of pages? People get lost between pages if they do not focus on the highlights.
Applying highlights might happen in two different ways. The first approach would be whilst the lecturer is providing the lecture. You can easily highlight those fragments he/ she is stressing on. The second approach is on yourself. This means that whilst you open the first page of the lesson, you should not start reading immediately. Instead you should travel your eyes around the pages and make highlights to those sections of particular interest.


4.   Take notes


Once you start a class, you already know the textbook component(s) to complement the course. But, given the case you should still take notes. After all, your professor is the one administering the exams, so closely following what they say, in conjunction with your books, will prove to be the most productive.

Despite this, notes are also feasible in terms of repetition and summering up. Notes can be easily taken any place, and are more visible and orienting than a textbook.


5.   Explore previous exams


Nursing students should always be consulting published exam papers in order to further understand material, and where your focus should be invested depending on your weaknesses. It should also be mentioned that, despite this, checking of the exam papers will help you understand the philosophy used.


6.   Consider yourself to already be a nurse


You are just at the beginning and you are already feeling the fight to be fought. You imagine yourself in the middle of a book desert, with nothing else but just books. You start taking your first lectures and learning the first pages, but still everything seems so utopic. And, as a matter of fact it is. That is why, in order not to get lost and become demotivated, it is healthy to switch your attention. Your imagination should switch from the dessert of books to you dressed in scrubs, holding your nurse tools in your preferred hospital department. It is a good motivation tool! Be focused on your target!


7.   Socialize


Just like you, there are hundreds of other students who are sharing the same dreams. Thus, it is helpful to make friends. Sharing the same classrooms, lecturers, books, and the same routine might be the main ingredients to build a successful friendship.
Friendship amidst nursing students is not beneficial just in terms of social life but, in particular, to your success as a nursing student. A good friend will be there for you in terms of information and material sharing.


You get what you strive for!


If you really want to become a nurse and be responsible for the health and livelihood of others, all you need to do is focus on your target. With the proper approach to the challenge and the settlement of the best learning routine, you will successfully be the best nurse you can be.

The nursing profession is devotion. It takes love and good will to dedicate time and effort to those in need, so if you have started this journey, it means you have both of them. All you need is being objectively focused and oriented throughout your years of education.

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