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Can Intervention Prevent Suicide?

The simple answer is, sometimes.  Not every suicide can be prevented, but some can.  The national suicide prevention line is available to help anyone that feels they may harm themselves. 

Patients on Suicide Watch

A nurse was treating a patient that had undergone surgery and was not doing well.  When the patient was speaking to her mom, she indicated she would take her own life. Her mom visited the next day and casually mentioned this to her nurse. The nurse followed protocol, and suicide prevention procedures. The patient was moved to an area where she could be constantly observed, and all objects were removed from her room that could potentially pose harm to her.  The nurse explained to her mom that the threats would be taken seriously, however the mom insisted it was a cry for attention and they should not worry. 
The fact is, the mom may have been right. On the other hand, the mom may have been wrong, and if she was it would cost a life. In this case the patient got better, and was treated by a psychiatrist until she was back to her old self.  The nurse in this case did exactly the right thing, it is never acceptable to ignore a threat of someone taking their own life. 

What Leads People to Suicidal Thoughts?

This is an open-ended question, as there are as many answers, some of which no one has even considered. Depression is the number one reason people consider taking their own life. There is not often a clear understanding of why someone would give up on living, however no one person can know exactly how another feel. Depressed patients suffer from depressive thoughts and emotions to the point that they feel hopeless. In most cases, they feel that loved ones would be much better off without them, so there is no concern regarding leaving loved ones behind. There is also a misconception that strong successful people do not suffer from depression, or take their own lives. This is completely wrong, depression crosses every boundary in life and can play a part in a life, regardless of success or strength. Think of some very famous people that have taken their own life, many people wonder why, it would seem they had it all.  They may have in fact had it all materially, however depression does not stop because you have money or fame. That feeling of hopelessness and doom is a very strong emotion and difficult to control.

If a person says they are having suicidal thoughts, it is a serious situation.  Even if you don’t believe they will do it, the words themselves are a cry for help.  Hospitals will admit a person that could potentially harm themselves, regardless of financial means. There are also many mental health centers that attach fees to services based on income, so that no one is turned away. 

Should a patient be under your care while hospitalized, and indicate they are having suicidal thoughts, it should be reported immediately to the proper authority. Many hospitals have a mental health crises team that is on call 24/7, and they can evaluate a patient that has made suicidal threats.  Until assistance does arrive, attempt to have someone with the patient at all times, and remove anything they could use to potentially harm themselves or someone else.  Blind cords, sheets, plastic bags, pens/pencils, are all things that could be used for harmful purposes. 

You should follow your employer guidelines regarding notification of a suicide threat or attempt. If the patient has family and has given consent for them to have information to their medical condition, in most cases the family will be notified. 

As a nurse, treating a variety of patients, you may be the first line of defense in suicide prevention. Learn to recognize those symptoms of a patient being withdrawn, and not wanting visitors. This is often accompanied by the feeling of hopelessness, refusal to eat, and a lack of hygiene. Proper mental health professionals should be consulted and can work with the patient.
Not every suicide can be prevented, but even one life saved is worth the effort.

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