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The Top 5 Reasons to Group-Study with Fellow Nursing Students

Group studies are considered to be similar to classrooms, but are developed in a more comfortable environment with a restricted number of student participation.

If a nursing student has always been studying alone, he or she is aware of the fact that the time allocated for studying purpose is also filled with other non-studying activities, such as phone calls, internet, etc. If you are studying in a group with fellow nursing students, you will be committed to contribute the part that has been assigned to you and there will not be any chance to avoid such a responsibility, or even postpone it to a second moment.
Once you join a group you can enjoy a number of benefits that alone wouldn’t be achieved. 

5 main reasons why:

  • No chances to postpone
  • Increased efficiency
  • Complete information
  • Socializing amidst routine
  • Practice interaction

No chances to postpone

If you are studying on your own, you have all the chances to postpone. You might fall behind schedule and postpone your studies to the last day before the exam or the class’s end. By being on your own, you have the confidence that you can manage your time at a second moment in the future. The result at the end is quite the same: poor grades or poor performance in the classroom. 

Meanwhile, if you consider to study with your fellow nursing students, you will not have the chances to postpone. Group-study meetings are organized, and each of the group members has his or her own responsibilities, so you will be holding yours and will be held accountable. 

Increased efficiency
During a group study session, you have the chance to learn more and faster. By sharing information, knowledge, and skills you can contribute to others studying and vice versa. Repetition is considered to be the “mother” of studying. By being in a study group, you will be able to repeat lectures since you will be explaining them to your fellow nursing students. On the other side, you will have the possibility to listen to other fellow students’ lectures and explanations.

By being alone, this will not be possible. You can repeat on your own but there will not be anybody there to support you in terms of information correctness and completion. Studying alone takes more time, since you have to organize everything on your own. Instead, if you are learning in a group, you can set a task for each of the members and everything will run faster and smoother.

Complete information

Once you leave the classroom after lecture, the information is temporarily still fresh in your mind. You will gradually lose this information until you’re able to look at your notes once more. Studying alone means that if you missed something in class and didn’t take notes; it will be extremely difficult to recollect that information. However, if you participate in a study group, then you have all the chances to fill in the gaps of the missing information.

Group study enables its participants to exchange the absorbed information amongst each other. It means that whenever any of the group members has an uncertainty, the other members can explain again and leave no questions behind.

Group study has been reported to be highly productive among nursing students especially, considering the fact that they are usually limited by physical time.

Socializing amidst the routine

Nursing students are usually deprived of a social life. They do not have enough time to arrange social meetings or participate in social events. They are always encountered running up and down between classes, training, extracurricular activities, and clinical practice. If a nursing student is at home, he or she is for sure reading and studying for tomorrow classes.
This is not one of the most pleasurable conditions a student wishes for himself/ herself, but it is still the harsh reality they have to deal with during the whole continuity of nursing school.

Even though the main purpose of group study is to focus and contribute with knowledge and information in regards to nursing studies, time for social interaction is still possible and encouraged.

Practice interaction
One of the main challenges a nurse will face is social interaction. Nurses are always in close contact with patients, doctors and other nurses. Their daily routine is usually full of pressure and time constraints, but despite this, they should always be open to requests, support, and emotional aid.

Human interaction is a skill that not everyone possesses naturally. To some nurses, practice is necessary. This is another beneficial aspect of group study. You will be supporting each other, sharing practices, sharing opinions, and debating over them. Naturally, you will start developing social interaction abilities that you did not possess at the very beginning of your journey as a nursing student.

In addition to these 5 previous reasons, there are countless other benefits to studying in a group. Working with peers can easier and feasible than working at home alone, depending on the situation and project of course. When you are home alone, you might be prone to several temptations that are not related to nursing studies.

Nursing students are strongly encouraged to choose a group of study as soon as possible in order for them to fully optimize their knowledge.

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