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Knowing When to Ask For Help

Someone once said the sign of a great nurse is a nurse who knows when to ask for help. 

No one can do everything, and we all need assistance from time to time. Nursing is no different.  You may encounter a patient that just does not seem to do well with you, and there is an obvious lack of cooperation.  Try bringing a coworker in on your next visit to talk with the patient as you perform necessary procedures.  It can eliminate the tensions that may be there simply due to a lack of connection with personalities.  Some patients simply don't connect with any nurse, it's no one's fault, it's just a fact of life.  Patients do not get to choose their Nurse; however, to lighten the mood another Nurse or aide assisting with a less than happy patient can put things at ease. 

Reasons to Ask for Help and Assistance

To save time. When you ask for help, and you demonstrate your ability to respect team work. Teamwork generally involves saving time and allowing for more productivity.

Don't spend precious time trying to come up with a solution on your own? By asking for help, you can reduce the amount of time needed to complete any procedure.

Tasks are more enjoyable with the support of others, things will seem less tedious and more enjoyable. This is especially true when you receive help with routine tasks such as filling out paperwork, sorting, collating, filing, etc.
When you need help and don’t ask for it, you’re likely to experience stress and frustration. By reaching out and asking for assistance early on, you can reduce unnecessary aggravation.

Avoiding procrastination. By asking for help, you can generate the enthusiasm needed to get started or continue working towards a specific goal. With help, you’re likely to find yourself being more accountable to yourself and others.

It can be very motivating to know that others are willing to lend you a hand, and that you can return the favor when needed.  You avoid being viewed as a martyr. If you’re a person who always handles everything on your own without ever enlisting the support of others, It's not a good thing. Research has shown that co-workers value collaboration and teamwork. Therefore, by asking for help, you will be viewed as less of a loner and more of a team player.

You empower others; people get a big boost to their self-esteem and self-confidence when they know they are able to help. This is because they are able to use their strengths, talents, knowledge, and abilities to help others. Asking for someone’s help can be a big morale boost.

How to ask for Help

Depending on the situation, there are two ways you can ask for help: directly or indirectly.

A direct approach is best when:  You know exactly what you want and need or you are short on time.  When using a direct approach use phrases such as: 

  • I need for you to help me with such and such if you have time I’d like to get your input on my patient It would really help me/the team, if you would offer your opinion 
  • Here’s what I need for you to do if you are sure you don't mind 
  • I’d like for you to do the following if you can 
  • Please show me how to do, a particular procedure, I heard you were an expert.

An indirect approach is best when you want to promote teamwork.
When using an indirect approach, consider using the following phrases:

  • How do you think you could help me with this project 
  • So what aspect of this, would you like to handle? 
  • What ideas do you have with regard to the patient in room 221 
  • What contribution would you like to make to my project 
  • Based upon your experience, how does this all fit together and what part of this would you like to handle

If you really want someone’s help, it’s best to avoid the following phrases:

  • If it’s not too much of an imposition, could you, this leaves an opening to be told no. 
  • “I’m having trouble with _____, could you; this leaves a place for a no as well. 
  • I really hate to bother you, but, you are not bothering anyone that is being paid to work, you should all help one another.

There are plenty of ways and styles to ask for help. You just need to practice when and how to use them. 

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