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Cancer Patients and the Power of Positive Thinking

There have been numerous studies conducted to determine just how much of an influence positive thinking plays in the patient’s recovery. In the studies, positive thinking showed a general correlation between a patient’s ability to heal, and a slow recovery.

Cancer and positive thinking

Patients hospitalized with cancer have been encouraged to try and keep a positive attitude as much as possible. At times, it may be difficult to stay positive as they undergo rigorous treatments and feel very defeated. Of course, it’s not easy to keep a smile on your face when you’re sick from treatments, and it’s very challenging to spend time with people that have no idea or can’t understand what you’re going through. As difficult as it may be studies have shown that people that focus on the positive things have an easier time with their treatment plans, and are able to endure the side effects better than those without a positive attitude. There may be challenges and difficulties with patients facing cancer treatments to keep a positive outlook, there are some common reasons that patients may have difficulty attempting to focus on the good and maintain a positive attitude.

  • Many people may have good intentions, however, unless they have been in the same situation, they can never truly understand completely. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it can create complications if they say things without thinking. They may inadvertently hurt a patient’s feelings with a careless remark. Statements such as “it will be okay”, and “are you scared”, are two statements that a patient really does not need to hear. Of course they are scared and hopefully things will be okay, but there is no guarantee.  Another common saying, according to cancer many cancer patients, is, “you just have to pick yourself up and keep going, everything happens for a reason”. Those are simply not good things to say to a cancer patient. 
  • Another common saying from well-meaning visitors is “I don’t know how you do it, I just don’t think I could do it”. Well, what choice do they have? Give your patient a pep talk. They can’t control what someone else says, and they want to be polite to visitors, but they may just have to learn how to tune things out. When it comes to well-meaning visitors, patients may have to just inform them that they are tired, need some rest, or just are not up to having company.

Reality of Feelings

It’s impossible to avoid all negative feelings; negative feelings are a fact of life. If a patient can learn how to control the negative, and realize that it’s temporary, then they are putting it in perspective, and positive feelings should soon return. It may be easier to feel down, especially if pain is a factor, however, finding a reason to feel positive can actually improve mood and make a body feel physically better.

Two Patients, A and B

Patient a- is a 47-year-old woman with significant family involvement, and is hospitalized after a double mastectomy to remove breast cancer. She will undergo chemotherapy and radiation, in hopes that all cancer cells are obliterated and she has a full recovery. Patient A has been extremely depressed since her diagnosis. She is convinced that she will not make it and that her teenage children will be left without a mom. She feels no one understands her, and she just wants to be left alone to sleep. Three weeks later the patient a has undergone chemotherapy and radiation treatment, and on a scale of 1 to 10, with one being not well, she is about at about two. She spends much of her day sleeping, crying, and wondering how her family will be without her. She does not believe her doctors when they tell her that she’s doing well all things considered. She pushes her family away and rejects ideas of physical therapy or counseling. Six months after her initial treatment, patient A has physically recovered, and yet has faced quite a bit of illness, colds, flu, viruses, and in general all over feeling of aches and pains.

Although she is considered cancer free, patient A spends much of her time waiting to see when the cancer will return. The prognosis for patient a is ok physically, however not mentally. Patient A will go on to live the next five years in physically fair health, and yet very depressed, and ends up with a divorce and less family involvement, as her family tired of her constant negative attitude.

Patient B- upon the diagnosis of breast cancer, patient B shed a few tears, and then convinced herself at only 48 years of age, she could beat this and come out a stronger person for having done so. Patient B went on to have a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation. While patient B was very sick during chemotherapy, she welcomed visitors and family involvement. Patient B forced herself to get up every day and get sunshine on her face. Patient B was soon considered cancer free, and threw herself a party inviting friends and family to celebrate her recovery. 

Five years later, both patients remained cancer free, yet patient A had divorced her husband, and alienated much of her family. Patient A gained 70 pounds and refused a doctor's request to exercise and improve her diet. Patient B never lost hope, never gave up and embraced family and friends support during her illness. Five years later patient B now visits and gives talks to women that are undergoing cancer treatments. There is no comparison, patient B is a perfect example of someone that maintains a positive attitude. These are actual scenarios of two different patients, and two very different outcomes.  

There’s no question that it is difficult to maintain a positive attitude when facing a health crisis, but when working with your patients, suggest they read pertinent information on how positive attitude affects illness. Make light of the patient’s visitors and make comments that may seem inconsiderate or ridiculous. It may make the difference in the patient laughing off the comments or being very offended. Remind your patients it’s not an opinion or guess, it’s a fact: positive attitudes make a difference during illness, and after recovery.

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