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4 Ways to Manage Your Time to Prevent Stress on the Job

Nowadays, people are left with very little time to enjoy themselves. They are either rushing after things or they want to do every single task that's on their plate. They do not prioritize their time and end up with high stress levels. Nursing - along with most healthcare jobs - is deemed to be one of the most stressful jobs, as shifts can sometimes stretch to 12-hours or 14-hours long.
If you are also feeling a burnout and want to simplify your life, here are the top four ways to manage your time. By managing your time and prioritizing things, it will become a lot easier to prevent job stress and burnouts. 

Prioritize Your Work
In order to prevent stress from building up, it is vital to take up one thing at a time. Taking control of your schedule and environment can help prevent the feeling of unnecessary stress. You may come across different patients unexpectedly, however, you need to maintain you’re cool and prioritize tasks along with other additional activities. Make a to-do list and focus on it, as it will help you know what needs to be done. 

Balance Your Life
It is vital to create a balance between your life and work. Working on a small portion of work is the best ways to finish off everything by your due dates. Start with the most important task and gradually complete everything as you go along. Concentrate on what needs to be done at the present time without losing your focus. Working in small batches will help you complete the tasks with ease. At the beginning of the day, make a list of all the patients that you need to check while keeping some time for emergency cases in your routine as well. 

Hang Out with People You Love
People at your job, your friends, and your family members can have a huge impact on your overall well-being. Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with people who make you happy. Many hospitals have workers that constantly keep on complaining about the hospitals working condition and other factors. Avoid being a part of this group and hang out with nurses who are supportive, cheerful, relaxed, and a lot more fun to be with. 

Find Solutions
Instead of wasting your time on guessing a solution to a problem, ask for it. There are plenty of resources that can help you find a solution to any problem, therefore, it can save you time and reduce your stress levels. Communicate with your seniors, converse with the doctor, or research for a solution online.

What's Next?
Sometimes, it is important to talk with someone else and look for a solution instead of trying to handle everything on your own. Working under deadlines can be really stressful, but if you have a well planned working plan, you can easily accomplish any task.

What advice can you recommend to nurses who struggle to alleviate their stress?

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