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Stress Management for Nurses

Nursing is by far one of the most challenging and stressful jobs that there is. The work is emotionally and physically draining for even the strongest people, and the long hours and problems with staffing an adequate number of nurses can lead to job dissatisfaction among many nurses. Add on conflicts in the workplace, varying management styles of the medical personnel nurses work with everyday, and the heavy workload, you will find that nursing has one of the highest rates of burnouts. In order to avoid being a nurse who succumbs to the stress, purposefully and actively fight against that stress. 

Communication is Important

One of the most important aspects of nursing is being able to communicate. You will have to communicate with not only patients, but doctors, other nurses, and other medical professionals. You will also have to deal with the families of the patients. In order to do your job efficiently, you need to create an environment of purposeful and clear communication. In order to give patients the best care possible, all medical personnel need to be able to work together effectively, and know what needs to be done. If this communication is not present, it can have dire consequences for the patient, and can add more stress to your day. 

Organize Your Workspace

One of the best ways that you can ease the stress in your nursing career is to simply organize your workspace. Research has shown that those who are able to organize the area around them are calmer and more collected than those whose workspace is messy and disorganized. If you are able to keep your supply closet, desk area, and nursing lounge clean and organized, you will create an environment that is more calming, and less chaotic. 

Related : Top 5 Tips for Nurses for Staying Alert During Your Shift
Schedule Sleep

In order to be a successful and efficient nurse, you need to be at the top of your game at all times. You cannot let yourself succumb to fatigue, because tired nurses make mistakes. Nursing is one of the professions where making mistakes can have drastic effects. When you have someone’s life and health in your hands, you have to perform at your best at all times, or your patients will suffer the consequences of your mistakes. Sleeping is the best way for nurses to keep fatigue at bay. Try to incorporate specific times to sleep during your daily routine.

In order to be a successful and efficient nurse, you need to be at the top of your game at all times. You cannot let yourself succumb to fatigue, because tired nurses make mistakes. Nursing is one of the professions where making mistakes can have drastic effects. When you have someone’s life and health in your hands, you have to perform at your best at all times, or your patients will suffer the consequences of your mistakes. Sleeping is the best way for nurses to keep fatigue at bay. Try to incorporate specific times to sleep during your daily routine.

Nurses have so little time to themselves throughout their shifts, and oftentimes, they forget to drink enough water and eat. This is one of the worst things that you can do to yourself. Despite being so busy and so many different people needing you all at the same time, you must be able to take yourself away from the situation, and take care of yourself. Similar to sleep, you have to schedule in time where you can get a drink of water, and eat a small snack. It is better to eat smaller, lighter, and healthier snacks multiple times during the day, as it will keep you satisfied longer.

Have a Conversation About Something Besides Work

While your nursing career is important, you need to get away from it sometimes. Take the time to have a conversation about something that is not nursing related. Talk about music, movies, or television. It will help you get through the stress of your job, while at the same time building relationships with your coworkers.


In general, no matter what your profession is, one of the best ways to keep your stress levels down is exercise. It will also make you feel better all around, and keep you in shape. When you are constantly on the go or working, you need to make sure that you have set times during the week in which you can exercise. Pick something that you enjoy, and stick with it every week. You will not only reduce your overall stress levels, but also keep yourself healthy. 

Related : The Best Ways to Relieve Stress on the Job

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